Thursday, June 11, 2009

One cupcake beanie done...

So, I was a little ambitious in my previous posting about what I had hoped to accomplish during the Cleveland Stitch 'n Pitch. In my defense, we did not arrive at the stadium as early as I preferred, and, in the interest of keeping the peace, that is all that I will say regarding punctuality. The only project that I ended up working on was the Cupcake Beanie by Debby Ware, which was a kit that I picked up at the Guild's end of the year garage sale from Sara....I casted-on during the 1st inning and was left with only a couple of rounds of decreasing for the crown and ends to sew in by the end of the game. This will go with Chuck to his cousin's newborn twins' Christening next weekend, so I need to make a second one this weekend. Hopefully, I can get him to make the pom-poms because his come out so much better than mine.

In case you're interested in the baseball side of the Stitch 'n Pitches, the game was against the Kansas City Royals and the Tribe was losing until a late grand slam tipped the score in their favor. I only know this because everyone else around me was yelling, screaming, and on their feet as I worked away on this hat.

I had hoped that Chuck's sisters and their lone knitting friend would have come with me when I first ordered the tickets, but unfortunately, they had to work and I'm not sure if their friend felt comfortable with going with someone she barely knew. So, I ended up taking Sylvain, Chuck's mom Mary, and Chuck's brother-in-law Rob with me to the game. None of them were into fiber arts, so I ended up with their goody bags, which normally I wouldn't complain about, but the bags all had the same items: a 2009-2010 Fiber Mania travel guide, a set of acrylic crochet hooks, a Stitch 'n Pitch tape measure, a pencil, and a nifty vinyl notions bag. All of which I already have in one form or another; so having four more is complete overkill. If you're interested this stuff, please let me know. I'll definitely have it up for grabs at the knit-in I'm hosting this coming Tuesday, so first come, first served.

Last thing I should mention is that it might be intervention time: Remember the gift card I mentioned receiving a couple posts back? Well, I used it to purchase my own copy of "Twilight" in hard cover so that I could return Tracy's to her and used the remaining balance towards a copy of the "Twilight" movie so that the copy I had could go back to Blockbuster. When Chuck saw what I had purchased, he snidely asked if they were out of posters for my bedroom....I didn't think to look for that, but I've never really been a poster-kind of gal. So the intervention part comes in b/c I've set the movie on every night to fall asleep to. Yes, I'm that pathetic. But it's not as bad as a friend who confided that a co-worker of hers does the exact same thing, but takes it a step further by listening to the soundtrack all day while at work. I'm not quite there, so there's definitely hope for me yet.

Now, if you excuse me, I need to go get my Bruce Campbell fix by watching Burn Notice, then Royal Pains...

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