What you are now reading is truly a miracle of modern technology. Sure, many a techno-geek has probably blazed this path of blogging from their blackberry, iphone, or other pda-device months (or even years) ago, but here I am -- the gal who just purchased her own personal copy of "Blackberry for Dummies" -- now able to blog from anywhere.
Oddly enough, I figured out how by browsing through the Ravelry help forums in search of what others were doing to access Ravelry on their mobile devices. I've always been able to log-on and perform some of the typical Ravelry functions, but found that things like adding projects to my queue, opening PMs, and critiquing forum comments were beyond my brower's capabilities. The suggestion from one of the forum mods was to use Opera Mini as the browser, not IE or whatever else the default was. That definitely did the trick, and works great for blogspot as well.
So, there you have it. I no longer have any valid excuses for not updating this blog regularly. Now, I need to figure out how to link-in the weblinks and photos that I love to use for these posts...
Food geek shopping spree bonanza
I’ve been freelancing for the past few years. It was overall good, but I’d
be lying if I said there weren’t some lean times. Clients who didn’t pay on
6 years ago
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