Hi everyone,
Yep, I'm still here. Been working and knitting like a dog and (quite frankly) haven't touched the home computer's keyboard in the better part of a month. Guiltily, I'll admit that I've had the makings for a couple of blog posts sitting in draft form on my phone, but haven't gained the gumption to post them because I knew I didn't have the time (or energy) to link in the photos and websites that I thought would make entertaining reading. If you've stuck with me for this long -- Thank you!
Anyways, I'll rant about the book club's latest book and my current knitting failure. For June (we're skipping a meeting for May), we're reading "The Leisure Seeker" by Michael Zadoorian. It's a pretty good book so far, but it's making me depressed already in reading it. I can't help but compare the adventure road trip that the two main characters are on to the road trip that Chuck and I are hoping to take this coming July in New Mexico and hope that we have as good a time as those described as part of the narrator's memories with her husband. I'm hoping that I won't be sorely disappointed if we don't have a vacation as memory filled as those she describes. I hope I'm not setting myself up to completely fail on a vacation by expecting everything to be perfect, wonderful, and great. I expect to blog from New Mexico, so stay tuned for that...but, really, the question we should all be asking is why am I'm comparing my real, yet-to-be-had vacation to that of a fictional senior couple?!?
So, I completely suck at knitting. Sure, disagree with me if you dare, but case in point: I've been working on a cotton summer sweater for the past few weeks. I made it thru the front, back, and one sleeve before noticing that the trim on the two pieces of the sweater body were not the same. Really....what the hell is going on here?!?
Frankly, I was getting pretty bored with the 15 cm or so of plain old stockinette knitting and couldn't wait for that part to be done. And I was bored with it with the first piece....It just so happened that I was ready to work on the second piece a couple of weekends ago, when there happened to be a Doctor Who marathon on the BBC America channel. My house happened to be clean already, so I felt pretty justified in planting my butt permanently on the couch to work on my knitting and get caught up on David Tennant's last season as the Doctor....Well, I was so caught up in watching the show, that I totally put on a stockinette border onto the bottom of the second body piece of the sweater. I spent this past weekend knitting a new border, grafting that piece on, and tearing off the old piece. It wasn't pretty while I was working on it, but now that it's done and over with, a regular person would be none to wiser (though I'm positive that my knitting friends would immediately be able to tell).
I'm happy to say all of the pieces of this sweater are ready for the blocking board and I'll be able to get to that either Thursday or Friday....So, now I'm left with working on my Guild exchange project (which is looking pretty fantastic -- so I'm waiting for the big disappointing piece to come along and put the brakes on the whole project) as well as a pair of socks that are depressing to work on since they're pretty boring. I'll post pictures of both soon enough.
Sorry for such a crappy, disconnected, rambling update. I'm a bit tipsy from a "meet and greet" I did earlier this evening with some visiting colleagues and I'm ready to plop down with my projects, watch "Justified", then head to bed. [Seriously, folks, if you haven't seen this show yet, you're really missing out. I think that Raylan is joining the ranks of Joe Dubois and Mick St. John as my TV hunny buns. (Yes, feel bad for Chuck who gets to sit right next to me and play the role of "chopped liver" while I swoon. And, yes, Jim is officially off the list ever since the ludicrous Sam/Jim storyline was introduced....sorry.)]
Food geek shopping spree bonanza
I’ve been freelancing for the past few years. It was overall good, but I’d
be lying if I said there weren’t some lean times. Clients who didn’t pay on
6 years ago